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Join Windpower Monthly now and pay nothing for your first 30-days.
A Vestas turbine blade crushed a man to death at an under-construction wind farm in Australia earlier today (11 November). Join Windpower Monthly now and pay nothing for your first 30-days.
Join Windpower Monthly now and pay nothing for your first 30-days.
The potential next leader of Germany, Friedrich Merz, hopes to phase out and “dismantle” wind turbines, claiming they are ...
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The Windpower Intelligence database is updated in real time, 24/7, by a global team of journalists and researchers with wind energy expertise.
Nordex CEO José Luis Blanco confirmed the company will push ahead with plans to reopen a manufacturing plant in Iowa, despite the anti-wind Donald Trump winning the US presidential election this week.
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Join Windpower Monthly now and pay nothing for your first 30-days.