叶志民表示,纺织之光科技教育基金会作为行业公益组织,始终坚持推动行业科技进步、人才培育、产业升级,持续为行业科技奖项目提供资金支持,十余年来,科技成果遍地开花。他提到基金会也在持续创新,希望能发挥平台优势,用好平台价值,将每一分资金都用在刀刃上,用在 ...
12月19日上午,永荣锦江品牌创新合作与产业发展论坛在福建莆田隆重举行,此次论坛在永荣股份 45 周年期间举办,全面展示永荣锦江品牌在技术创新、市场拓展及品牌影响力提升等方面所取得的丰硕成果。会上,纺织产品开发中心副主任陈宝建作“构建价值 ...
习近平总书记在中央经济工作会议上的重要讲话,全面总结2024年经济工作成效,科学研判当前内外形势,系统部署2025年工作重点任务;内容宏阔深刻,务实创新,是在关键节点对中国经济作出的关键指引,在重要时刻对未来发展作出的重要判断;为今后一个 ...
From the perspective of the major market, the export market witnessed an obvious diversification trend. China’s apparel ...
I.Production The data released by the National Bureau of Statistics revealed that the output of printed and dyed fabrics ...
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the chemical fiber output totaled 58.6 million tons in the first three ...
China’s industrial output sustained steady expansion in November amid measures for industrial equipment upgrades, official data showed. The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said that value-added ...
From January to November, manufacturing investment increased 9.3% year on year. In particular, investment in the textile industry posted robust growth, up 16.2% in the period.
Industrial production logged steady growth in October, and the decline in corporate profits eased markedly. More than 60 percent of industrial sectors saw improved profitability in October compared to ...
China's producer price index (PPI), which measures costs for goods at the factory gate, went down 2.5 percent year on year in November, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said. The figure ...
The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's non-manufacturing sector came in at 50 in November, down from 50.2 in October, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed. A reading ...
According to the latest data released by the General Administration of Customs, driven by the stable foreign trade ensuring policies, rebounded overseas market demand and last year’s low base, China’s ...