Looking for inspiring books for topics? These free KS2 planning PDFs focus on a range of amazing children’s books, from ...
Use a variety of verse to keep KS3 students keen as they learn key poetry analysis skills... The aim of this lesson is to introduce students to the basic techniques for analysing poetry and hopefully, ...
This essay writing booklet is a step-by-step guide for GCSE students. It focuses on building strong arguments, analysing texts effectively and using evidence to support ideas. The structure of the ...
For some young people, it may be that a longer-term placement is what they actually need. Yet for many, the ‘it’s an ...
AI is here to stay, so here’s how to go about writing an AI policy that balances innovation with ethical considerations, ensures student and staff privacy, and aligns with your school’s educational ...
I’m thinking of a number. It rounds to 250. What could the number be? Students could respond to this question on mini whiteboards by writing one possible number. Different students might assume that ...
This engaging activity is ideal for pairs or groups. It offers a fun way to reinforce retrieval practice while helping students make connections between the stories they read in class and those they ...
Having a therapy dog in school can benefit us all, but we need to think about their wellbeing, too, explains the National ...