The celebratory occasion honoured the discipline’s history and achievements, and recognised outstanding contributions from ...
Tá féinfhostaíocht ábalta athrú gairme malartach a chur ar fáil go dtí scor, ach sin dóibhsean amháin a bhfuil dea-shláinte agus gairmeacha ar phá ard acu, de réir taighde a rinne Scoil Ghnó Choláiste ...
This year College Awareness Week (CAW runs from the 18th to he 24th of November. The campaign aims to help students learn about the experiences they could have at college and the subjects they may ...
Scientists have identified new gene faults and evolutionary patterns contributing to testicular cancer. Their findings offer profound insights into the development of the disease and into potential ...
New research exploring the roots of modern Japanese populations has linked the genetic signature of Jomon hunter-gatherers to ...
How misinformation gets around can be effectively described using mathematical models designed to simulate the spread of ...
Why do we forget things? Is it simply a sign of memory impairment, or are there benefits? Sven Vanneste and Elva Arulchelvan ...
We're here to tell Trinity's story.
The Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI) is a research centre within the School of Nursing & Midwifery which works collaboratively with healthcare staff, industry and the ...
Welcome to the Department of History of Art and Architecture, located in the heart of Dublin, surrounded by the national and city museums and galleries, on a campus renowned for its outstanding ...
The show is the culmination of a year-long collaboration between the artist and the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience ...
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