“For too long, newsrooms have created content based on their own routines, preferences, and platforms, churning out long stories or endless updates without really thinking about what the audience ...
“Journalists will continue to take matters into their own hands — or spreadsheets — either as entrepreneurs striking out on their own or innovators in established and legacy institutions.” The ...
“Objectivity as an aspirational ideal ends up encouraging journalists to avoid addressing what matters.” Even in recent conversations about transforming journalism, objectivity as an ideal often gets ...
“Ask someone in your life under 40 where they get the news. Odds are they’ll mention a non-newsroom podcaster or YouTuber.” What would you do to get your reporting in front of an audience of hundreds ...
“If media companies can’t figure out how to be the bundlers, other layers of the ecosystem — telecoms, devices, social platforms — will.” We’ve covered 2024 as the fragmentation election, and media ...
“Some potential donors will be scared of retribution. Some won’t be happy with their investment. Some will just be tired. Some will instead send their money to things like Trump’s inauguration party.” ...