What is NCC doing to help protect this habitat? The Nature Conservancy of Canada has conserved many projects with montane forests, including projects in the Castle-Crowsnest Watershed Natural Area.
A stark silhouette set against the prairie horizon, whooping cranes claim the title of the tallest bird in North America. This bird species has made a comeback since the 1940s, when there were only 21 ...
Wetlands are unique ecosystems where terrestrial and aquatic habitats meet. They are formed when water is trapped through poor drainage, occasional flooding or coastal barriers, such as sandbars. The ...
Each spring, Canada's skies are filled with the sights and sounds of billions of birds arriving home from their southern wintering grounds. Each population takes a unique migration path depending on ...
The dynamics of conservation in Canada are changing. Today, Indigenous Peoples are increasingly being heard and recognized as conservation decision-makers and stewards of the land. The Nature ...
Home to many species of plants and animals, wetlands are diverse places. They are also incredibly important for flood mitigation, sediment and pollution filtration, and erosion control — yet over 80 ...
Together, we can protect 500,000 hectares of Prairie grasslands by 2030 to ensure this vital ecosystem not only survives, but thrives. Canada’s Prairie grasslands need your help. Spanning across ...
More than half of Canada's 26,000 grizzlies live in British Columbia, with the rest found in Alberta and the three territories. Grizzly bears occur from sea level to high-elevation alpine environments ...
A spectacle for birdwatchers, the annual migration of sandhill cranes is comprised of large flocks, up to thousands of individuals, migrating to staging grounds in southern Canada. Unlike herons, ...
If you look at a photo from space of northeastern North America at night, you see the lights of cities, towns and highways spreading like a constellation across the landscape. Yet just north of ...
Publié dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale des zones humides (2 février 2021) Il y a 50 ans, une majorité de pays se sont réunis pour créer le premier accord mondial de conservation d’un habitat ...