Prime Minister Barzani began by acknowledging the anniversary of the 2017 referendum, hailing it as a significant democratic ...
He hoped the discussions would lead to a clearer understanding of the outstanding financial issues between the Kurdistan ...
I am deeply concerned and saddened by the events in Lebanon. The bombings caused many civil casualties in the recent days” ...
The KDP leader reaffirmed the party’s commitment to peace, democracy, and coexistence, stressing the importance of unity ...
They discussed the challenges related to financial allocations and the equitable distribution of resources between Baghdad ...
The two sides emphasized the importance of holding "clean and free elections under international supervision, free from ...
An international highway between Erbil, Duhok, and the Turkish border will be built, thanks to Prime Minister Masrour Barzani ...
Kurdistan Region President Barzani emphasized the importance of maintaining a respectful atmosphere among competing parties, ...
One big US concern was Iran's exploitation of Iraqi banks to evade sanctions, but that problem appears to have been resolved ...
All the books have been printed in a modern digital version, for the new academic year 2024-2025, the books have been ...
ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani has called on all political parties to engage in a ...
The Start Day for the Academic Year 2024-2025 in Kurdistan Region, on Wednesday, the ceremony held in Najiba Khan Jalizada ...