The course is designed for quantitative specialists, such as economists, actuaries, statisticians, mathematicians, computer programmers, accountants and financial managers involved in the financial ...
Participants will be officials with sound analytical skills and a strong commitment to advancing social protection who already have a number of years' work experience in this field. They should hold a ...
The module is designed for government officials, and staff in employers’ organizations and workers’ organizations that deal with foreign direct investment (FDI), operations of multinational ...
Formação jurídica contínua 2 - Fundamentos para o uso judicial das normas internacionais do trabalho ao nível nacional ...
The Master is intended for officials and/or professionals working in the public and private sectors and for UN agencies, foundations and NGOs; recent university graduates from developing and developed ...
A discussion about the value of interdisciplinarity with Jean Claude El Khazen, a participant and labour inspector from Lebanon attending the Decent Work for Domestic Workers course ...
The programme welcomes: - Representatives of public and regulatory authorities willing to upgrade their skills as trainers and financial education experts - Staff of financial service providers in ...
The course is designed for - Officials, policy-makers and practitioners of public institutions and ministries dealing with migration, trafficking and/or forced labour; - representatives of workers' ...
The course is of particular interest to policy-makers, planners, technical officials of relevant ministries, and other technical experts from relevant institutions. In particular, the course caters ...
Programme and project managers, knowledge management officers, monitoring and evaluation officers, technical specialists, project professionals, professionals from private enterprises, academicians ...
The course targets: - Statisticians from national statistical offices; Ministries of labour and other institutions involved in production of work, social, and gender statistics; - Governmental ...
The course is intended for professionals involved in designing, procuring and implementing infrastructure works. The course specifically targets: - Government officials involved in public investment ...