Yesterday, we looked at three provisions believers can count on during adversity: God’s presence, a pathway through trouble, and potential to grow. Today, let’s explore two more. Protection. God doesn ...
Ruth’s remarkable loyalty is what earned her a place in both the Bible and the lineage of Jesus (Matt. 1:1-5). Ruth is an example of faithfulness—she willingly adjusted her own life to meet the needs ...
Preaching the truth about Jesus in Acts 2, Peter left thousands of listeners asking the same question: “What are we to do?” The apostle’s response is simple: “Repent, and each of you be baptized in ...
Showing mercy to those who hurt us does not come naturally—it’s easier to get angry at them. But God commands us to be merciful (Luke 6:36). We who have been shown divine mercy are to practice a ...
For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people” (NIV). How could there be any better news than that? What was invisible for many centuries has now come into view. Moreover, this ...
Grace is far more than a mealtime prayer—the word communicates the idea of blessing. As believers, we’re the recipients of grace, which is poured out on us by our heavenly Father. Let’s look at how we ...
When adversity hits you like a ton of bricks, it could easily cause discouragement. However, God’s purpose in the hardship is not to destroy you; His goal is to stimulate your spiritual growth. In His ...
In our ever-changing world, friendships drift, families move, and technology advances. If we seek security in people, position, or possessions, we’re going to be disappointed. Yet we all need ...
Fear has been a part of our emotional makeup since the fall of man. When Adam and Eve rebelled against God, they hid themselves from Him and were afraid (Gen. 3:10). Things haven’t changed much.
Stuck again. Is that an apt description of your life? For many believers, it is. Even when they know why they are stalled, some can’t move past the sin that trips them up. Others are blind to the ...
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul charged his disciple to preach the Word and to correct and rebuke with great patience (4:2). A pastor could hardly have a more difficult assignment than this, ...
In the season of upheaval described in today’s reading, God clearly specified how the people of Israel could be saved from their enemy. They were under threat from Assyria, and God said to wait on His ...