The University of Helsinki has two committees reviewing the ethics of non-medical research on humans: the Research Ethics Committee in the Humanities and Social and Behavioural Sciences and the ...
At the Faculty of Arts you can complete a degree in 6 Bachelor’s, 18 Master’s and 11 Doctoral programmes. The University of Helsinki scores highly in international comparisons of research and teaching ...
Data science combines computer science and statistics to solve exciting data-intensive problems in industry and many fields of science. As data is collected and analysed in all areas of society, the ...
The Master’s Programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety offers the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive overview of the life cycle of drugs and their use. The study program combines ...
Would you like to be involved in finding solutions to future challenges of food and energy production, such as climate change, population growth and limited energy resources? Are you interested in ...
The station, located approximately an hour’s drive from Tampere, offers year-round services for research, course activities and other gatherings. Research topics at the station range from the depths ...
Kumpula campus is a cluster of cutting-edge research and teaching of natural sciences. Read more about us, our research, and study opportunities.
Sustainable Language Assessment: Improving Educational Opportunities at the Individual, Local, and Global level In 2015, the United Nations set ambitious goals as part of Transforming our world: the ...
Science has the power to change the world. Join one of the best research universities in the world – an international community united through bold thinking, science, research, and learning, with over ...
Digital Humanities at the University of Helsinki aims to solve research problems in humanities and social sciences with novel computational methods, and for studying digitalization as a phenomenon. We ...
We are a nationally unique faculty with a high international standing. We produce new research-based knowledge and train experts of sustainable bioeconomy and related business operations for the needs ...
Tämä on Helsingin yliopisto Strategia, talous ja laatu Kestävyys ja vastuullisuus Ura ja avoimet työpaikat Ihmiset Arkistopalvelut ja kirjaamo Tietojen käsittely yliopistolla Vuokraa tila Tule ...