Our conceptualization of knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems are based on different types of scientific, technical and creative knowledge and coordinate various actors from academia, business ...
Each year, the University of Gothenburg takes part in various events to share our research with the public. Here, you can find information about our participation in the Gothenburg Book fair, ...
The course is an introduction to gender issues in a global perspective. Apply for courses in global gender studies if you aim to specialize in challenges related to gender issues. The course is an ...
Detta är ett stort projekt som involverar flera lärosäten, forskare och studier på barn och vuxna med den gemensamma nämnaren mätning av fysisk aktivitet och kondition och tillämpning av avancerad ...
Admission to the course requires a minimum of 30 credits of Statistics, of which at least 15 credits have obtained a passing grade, or 60 credits of Economics, of which at least 45 credits have ...
Karin Gustavsson, Folklivsarkivet/ Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Lund University Anneli Palmsköld, Professor in conservation specialized in craft science, University of Gothenburg Johanna ...
Press office Journalists are welcome to contact our Press Officers with queries. For subject-related queries, please get in touch with the media contact at the relevant faculty.
Offered by the Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences at The Faculty of Science The University's study counsellors can help you if you have a question about a course or programme. At least ...
A concert featuring Simon Rose, baritone saxophonist and composer, researcher and author. Simon Rose is a musician-composer, researcher and author from the United Kingdom and based in Berlin. He’s a ...
There is a high risk of increased metal emissions from coastal areas in the future. In a new model, researchers from the University of Gothenburg show that climate change and overpopulation can flush ...
Our research groups in organic and medicinal chemistry study the synthesis and use of organic molecules. Our research contributes to the development of new socially relevant applications, mainly in ...
Seminariet Polariserat myndighetsförtroende ägde rum i Centralposthuset på Vasagatan 28 i Stockholm. Under seminariet presenterade ett antal forskare kopplade till SOM-institutet olika aspekter av: ...