When a person is living with dementia, their sexual behaviour, needs and desires may change. As their partner, yours may too. Your sex life may have changed, and you might need advice on how to cope ...
From Care and cure magazine - Spring 2016, find out about vitamin B supplements. New research suggests that vitamin B supplements could help to improve learning and memory for some older people who ...
Tips from people with dementia on how they like to use surveys in different ways including face-to-face, video, paper, telephone and online. We identified these tips from desktop research, our survey ...
Healthy teeth and gums are important to living well. For someone with dementia, taking care of their teeth and gums can become increasingly difficult. You are here: Dental and mouth care Supporting a ...
Our Innovation team co-create, search for and accelerate the best new and innovative solutions to provide help and hope for people living with dementia (people living with dementia and carers). People ...
We appreciate all that you do for people affected by dementia, and we want to help you when you need it most. On this page, you will find information about our wellbeing support offer for our ...
What is a pressure ulcer or bedsore? A pressure ulcer, or bedsore, is an area of skin - and sometimes also the tissue underneath - that has become damaged because of pressure. An ulcer may develop ...
Read our tips for supporting a person with ARBD. They apply to the different types of ARBD (alcohol-related 'dementia', Wernicke-Korsakoff's, and others). If you are caring for a person with ARBD or ...