This week from 23 to 27 September is International Week of Happiness at Work, a chance to show how important it is to have ...
Budget representations are an opportunity for interested parties to comment on existing government policies and to recommend ...
The professional services sector remains an important training ground for accountancy, according to a senior figure at Forvis ...
If a shareholder is selling the shares in their company in exchange for cash & preference shares my understanding is that the cash element would give rise to a capital gain on completion but the ...
Strange that the taxpayer didn't show up or engage (pro bono) counsel for such a big c£500k penalty. Andrew Quay Hull LLP v The Commissioners for HMRC - Find case law - The National Archives , https:/ ...
Ignoring VAT and focusing on basic entries, I can’t find anywhere that actually explains the double entries with a worked example for a cycle to ...
Hi All! Please can someone help with this audit related question? Looks like post Brexit the "parent guarantee exemption" under s479 wouldn't have applied. However, the sub is TINY, and the Parent Co ...
Your friendly technology editor here. A quick question to debate on this rainy Monday afternoon: in terms of the software used by accounting professionals, where does the responsibility sit for ...
Although there is still over a month to go until the Autumn Budget the UK’s business groups have begun their lobbying the Chancellor for the changes they ...
I have a client asking about a Family Investment Company for Buy To Let properties. He currently owns approx £1M net equity of Buy To Let properties ...
The benefits of having a micro niche are numerous believes Catherine Davis, founder of Urban Ledgers, which specialises in video games accounting and ...
Employer paye account reported as suspicious activity , 170+ new employee tax code -identity theft ? We are a small business and our agent / accountant has been regularly filing nil EPS for last three ...