Global Compact Network India has launched an Anti-Corruption Collective Action initiative in a concerted effort to battle corruption in healthcare, addressing such problems as wasteful and unethical ...
Inspire participants’ organizational learning, and support companies to develop and implement corporate sustainability strategies, operations and management practices in line with the Global Compact ...
The New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants adopted in September 2016 by the UN General Assembly calls for the active participation of the private sector in implementing the commitments made ...
Teressa Szelest is helping the chemical giant BASF SE truly listen to the desires of consumers for products and solutions that will make their homes, neighborhoods and the planet a safer place. As ...
Alice Laugher is unswerving in her commitment to help women in conflict-ridden regions around the world take control of their lives. As Chief Executive Officer of Committed to Good, Alice has ...
Inspire participants’ organizational learning, and support companies to develop and implement corporate sustainability strategies, operations and management practices in line with the Global Compact ...
Inspire participants’ organizational learning, and support companies to develop and implement corporate sustainability strategies, operations and management practices in line with the Global Compact ...
Who are Banco do Brasil? The company Banco do Brasil is Brazil’s first financial institution, founded over 200 years ago. Today it is the largest financial institution in Latin America. Banco do ...
In September 2015, 193 member States of the United Nations adopted 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to make our world more prosperous, inclusive, sustainable and resilient. These SDGs ...
Inspire participants’ organizational learning, and support companies to develop and implement corporate sustainability strategies, operations and management practices in line with the Global Compact ...
In 2012, Microsoft developed a Language Interface Pack (LIP) for Windows in the Cherokee language. This LIP translates and displays most of the commonly used user interface of Windows into Cherokee.