本纪念馆以立体地理模型和资料等形式向人们展示了成为日本开国契机的佩里来航以及日本的开国历史。 设施说明 1853年,美国海军提督马休・卡尔布莱斯・佩里(Matthew Calbraith Perry)于久里滨登陆日本,成为了打开日本国门的契机。为了广传佩里来航与日本 ...
It will surprise no one when we declare that Japan is one of the topmost photogenic destinations on earth. No matter where ...
If you’re thinking about coming to Japan in October, then you’ll be visiting at one of the best times of the year. October is ...
This huge 12-meter tall model of ”Godzilla” was established as the symbol of Kabukicho, Shinjuku. The huge Godzilla head that suddenly appeared in Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku, was established to convey the ...
This street, roughly 900 meters long, stretches from Marchen Crossroads and Otaru Music Box Museum towards the ”Wall Street of the North”. Kitaichi Glass is foremost amongst its unique and busy stores ...
Japan Airlines (JAL) has announced a special offer for travelers planning a trip to Japan from overseas. By booking an ...
大阪西日本特快HARUKA號火車票 - 關西機場往返京都/新大阪站/天王寺/奈良/神戶(單程) 南海電鐵機場線車票(關西機場 / 難波出發) 【大阪 京都 奈良】關西近鐵電車周遊券(1/ 2/ 5/ 5日PLUS) 【大阪】南海電鐵全線乘車券(2日) 【大阪 京都】JR關西地區 ...
來到山形,為什麼不體驗一下 "賞櫻活動" 呢?1家在山形最值得體驗的 "賞櫻活動",現在就可以預訂。 其中一些你可以在今天和明天體驗。我們也有交通票據,可以幫助你到達會面地點。 在山形可以預約的 "賞櫻活動"的熱門活動 ...
大阪擁有「日本廚房」的美稱,能夠品嚐到各式各樣不同的特色美食,琳瑯滿目的設施與商店不僅超好玩,更是一個讓人買不停的購物天堂。當然,除了大家所熟悉的梅田、心齋橋、難波之外,天王寺和阿倍野地區也絕對不能錯過。這裡深受外國觀光客喜愛 ...
Right in front of the Hibiya Exit of Yurakucho Station! Exit D4 is directly connected to the underground passageway, so you won't get wet even on rainy days. Bic Camera offers products at the same ...
Would you like to experience "Combo Experiences" when you visit Yamagata?1 popular "Combo Experiences" to experience in Yamagata are available for reservation right now. Some experiences are available ...