本纪念馆以立体地理模型和资料等形式向人们展示了成为日本开国契机的佩里来航以及日本的开国历史。 设施说明 1853年,美国海军提督马休・卡尔布莱斯・佩里(Matthew Calbraith Perry)于久里滨登陆日本,成为了打开日本国门的契机。为了广传佩里来航与日本 ...
这里是拥有每天人们以令人眼花缭乱的速度来往穿梭的全方向交叉路口以及众多最尖端时尚的街道。被男女老少日夜使用的涩谷站中,最为有名的地方应该是忠犬八公像了。追溯到19世纪这里还是一个小村庄的涩谷,如今成为了东京最知名的区域。涩谷109等大型 ...
五棱郭公园建于1860年,是日本第一座西式要塞。因呈五角星形而被称为“五棱郭”。在大正奉还后新政府军和旧幕府军之间的箱馆战争中,这里是旧幕府军的最后据点,但旧幕府军于1869年投降。园内残存着箱馆战争时使用的大炮和石墙等遗迹。 在由石墙围成的 ...
It will surprise no one when we declare that Japan is one of the topmost photogenic destinations on earth. No matter where ...
If you’re thinking about coming to Japan in October, then you’ll be visiting at one of the best times of the year. October is ...
This huge 12-meter tall model of ”Godzilla” was established as the symbol of Kabukicho, Shinjuku. The huge Godzilla head that suddenly appeared in Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku, was established to convey the ...
This street, roughly 900 meters long, stretches from Marchen Crossroads and Otaru Music Box Museum towards the ”Wall Street of the North”. Kitaichi Glass is foremost amongst its unique and busy stores ...
Ginza is often seen as the epitome of Tokyo’s upscale scene, home to long-established luxury department stores and constantly ...
Japan Airlines (JAL) has announced a special offer for travelers planning a trip to Japan from overseas. By booking an ...
Dates 18 September 2024, 10:00AM - 24 September 2024, 3:00PM Event Details Come try the delicious taste of "Tokachi", a region nurtured by magnificent nature! A popular soup curry restaurant in ...
保留着江户时代风貌的贵重文化财产。由于大量使用金箔,因其富丽堂皇的景象,也被称为“金色殿”,是极受瞩目的神殿。 设施说明 位于上野公园内的上野东照宫,保留着色彩鲜浓的江户时代风貌,是重要的文化财产。该神社于1627年为了祭祀德川家康所建造。