我使用BQ24610做充电设计,26V输入,24V充电电压/1A充电电流设计。有使用power path。 1、在调试中发现,电池不在位的情况下 ...
I am testing TPS546E25EVM-1PH, but found out that FUSION_DIGITAL_POWER_DESIGNER 7.10.1 version on the website does not support TPS546E25.
This thread has been locked. If you have a related question, please click the "Ask a related question" button in the top right corner. The newly created question will be automatically linked to this ...
As per the datasheet, LM5050-2 is a wide input voltage operation range IC (Recommended Vin: 6V to 75V). But primarily, it appears to be best suitable for 48V power supplies applications. Is it ...
I am trying to calculate losses for the synchronous MOSFET. In table 2-2, the body diode conduction loss uses a term of (Vload*Fsw)/2. This results in a very high calculated loss. I think the voltage ...