Kamala Harris aims to uphold the course of the current administration, while Donald Trump eyes a return that could bring isolationism and a tougher stance on alliances. European leaders are watching ...
EU governments are outdoing each other in introducing tough anti-immigration measures, embracing policies that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago ...
In 100 Tagen haben wir die Chance, uns gegen eine Politik zu stellen, die Macht und Reichtum verteidigt, während die demokratische Teilhabe Schritt für Schritt demontiert wird. Diese vorgezogene Wahl ...
Le organizzazioni ebraiche di 19 Paesi in sei continenti, che rappresentano una moltitudine di membri provenienti da diversi contesti e tradizioni ebraiche, hanno dichiarato il loro sdegno e la loro ...
Jewish organisations in 19 countries on six continents, representing a multitude of members from diverse Jewish backgrounds and traditions, have declared their outrage and condemnation towards the ...
Vor genau zehn Jahren hatte ich mein erstes Aha-Erlebnis dieser Art: 2015 fand sich Yanis Varoufakis, frisch gebackener griechischer Finanzminister, per Livestream bei Günther Jauch wieder. Manche ...