The concept of a Grand Tour was introduced in the 1770s by an Englishman, Richard Lassels, to describe a journey serving to supplement education, develop aesthetic taste, acquire practical skills, ...
Like in most Central European countries, Christmas in Poland is a quaint and much-beloved affair. However, while Germanic traditions, like decorating trees, have spread so far as to be unsurprising, ...
Exhibitions, concerts, performances, publications, lectures, conferences… These and other events organised by dozens of museums, theatres, galleries, and other cultural and educations institutions ...
In this 19th-century tale of hypnosis, women’s rights and shocking experiments, describes Napoleon Cybulski’s road to discovering adrenaline, the ‘hormone of fight or flight’. Napoleon ...
Przyglądamy się metaforycznym i zupełnie realnym miejscom wspólnym łączącym polską i ukraińską literaturę – a wraz z nimi nasze narody. Jak się okazuje, łączy nas znacznie więcej niż tylko poetyckie ...