This school year a change in California law sets new rules for when young athletes can play and practice in high temperatures, affecting schools across the state.
The California Legislature happiness committee issues its report as polls suggest that people have deep concerns about the ...
Without adequate workforce opportunities for older adults, their quality of life and California’s economy could take a staggering hit. The challenge can’t be solved with policy alone.
This advancement in real estate transactions, making it easier to buy a home, also makes it easier for scammers to defraud homebuyers.
Caltrans' road projects sliced through neighborhoods. Now it's trying to repair the damage by selling back hundreds of homes.
Proyectos viales de Caltrans destruyeron viviendas y atravesaron barrios ocupados por familias afroamericanas o latinas. Ahora la agencia está tratando de reparar el daño ...
The hastily drafted bill, which lobbyists negotiated in secret, could weaken the state’s lemon law for people who buy faulty ...
Proyecto de ley ante el gobernador Gavin Newsom puede dificultar que los consumidores obtengan reembolsos por autos ...