Since the announcement of Beijing’s “Made in China 2025” plan in 2015, industrial policy has increasingly become a central feature of not only Chinese economic development efforts under the leadership ...
The education system of the United States was built, in part, by utilizing the best ideas from abroad, mainly from Germany and Scotland. But after achieving the leading education system in the world, ...
Maḏayin: Eight Decades of Aboriginal Australian Bark Painting from Yirrkala is currently on view at the Museum through January 5, 2025. Open Tuesday through Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Closed ...
Trafficking is a term used to describe the illegal trade across borders of goods – especially contraband, such as drugs – for profit. Over the last decade, the concept has been expanded to cover the ...
Leading global thinker Adam Tooze of Columbia University delivers the third annual State of Asia Address in Zurich, Switzerland, on Asia in the age of polycrisis. Daniel Russel, Ankit Panda, and ...
As a child in the Philippines, Manny Pacquiao’s family was so poor that he had to drop out of school at age 14 and move to Manila in hopes of making money to support his mother and five siblings. He ...
The Center for China Analysis (CCA) is part of the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI), a think- and do- tank with a policy-solving mandate that tackles major policy challenges confronting the ...
An extension of the eastern side of the Eurasian continent, Korea is a relatively small though prominent peninsula. One can easily locate Korea on a world map or globe by following 127º east meridian ...
So you pulled an all-nighter cramming for your biology test, but as soon as your number two pencil hit the scantron sheet, you promptly forgot everything you had studied the previous caffeine-fueled ...
We've compiled resources to help you cut through the stereotypes surrounding North Korea and more deeply examine the country, its people, and the complexities of its politics and nuclear program. The ...