The Kenyan president keeps lamenting that he has a disinformation problem. But the trouble isn’t the headlines – it’s the ...
We reflect on a year in which we worked to prevent the spread of harmful health misinformation, how scammers operate, ...
For example, in 2022, Africa Check debunked a claim about poisonous biscuits that supposedly caused the death of 45 people. We found that the claim originated in 2016 and was also debunked that year.
The untold story was that in the months to October 2023, there were foreign outflows from the Kenyan bourse, and the shilling ...
Here are our most-read fact-checks for 2024, with tips to help you sort fact from fiction this holiday season.
EN BREF - Cette photographie montre un train de l’Union Pacific Train aux États-Unis. Par ailleurs, il existe plusieurs classements concernant les trains selon des paramètres bien définis. Dans cet ...
EN BREF - Cette photographie a été prise en 2017. Elle montre l’ancien président syrien Bachar al-Assad en compagnie de ses enfants, lors d’une visite chez un soldat de l’armée syrienne dans la ...
IN SHORT: Several Facebook posts are promoting what they say is a cure for fibroids. However, a gynaecologist advises patients to consult their doctor as many herbal remedies are not evidence-based. A ...
EN BREF - Ces images montrent des véhicules militaires (blindés) livré par la Chine à l’armée du Burkina Faso en novembre 2024. Les résultats de la recherche inversée d’images avec l’outil Google Lens ...
IN SHORT: Several Facebook posts have claimed that overtaking military convoys is illegal and punishable under Nigerian law. But there is no such law. Viral Facebook posts claim that overtaking ...