司法部:将强力开展行政执法突出问题整治,切实解决企业和群众反映强烈的执法乱作为、不作为问题  快报 ...
海关总署统计分析司司长吕大良表示,当月出口增速的放缓属于短期内正常的数据波动。经初步分析,主要是受一些短期偶发因素影响,比如去年9月出口规模基数较高;今年9月两次台风接连在长三角地区登陆导致船队排期顺延,出口有所滞后;前段时间全球航运不畅、集装箱短缺 ...
LeBron James went off on a reporter for asking him questions about Bronny James that can be asked to Bronny directly.
无耻!女子在小区门口,突然被陌生男子拉扯住脖子强吻 ...
A single Utah mom of two small children who was raising money for her own funeral after she was diagnosed with cancer has ...
Austin Reaves missed the Lakers' last preseason game with an ankle ailment, but how does he feel about his chance of playing ...
Carr, a single mom from Ogden, Utah, died after battling terminal cancer and starting a GoFundMe page for her own funeral.
记者从国家统计局亳州调查队获悉,9月份,亳州市居民消费价格同比上涨1.6%,涨幅比上月回落0.6个百分点。其中,食品价格上涨6.6%,非食品价格上涨0.5%;消费品价格上涨2.0%,服务价格上涨1.0%。 食品中,鲜菜价格上涨41.5%,影响CPI上涨约0.85个百分点;水产品价格上涨9.8%,影响CPI上涨约0.16个百分点;鲜果价格上涨9.4%,影响CPI上涨约0.19个百分点;畜肉类价格上涨 ...