Novo Nordisk has a price fix solution for uninsured patients with diabetes, but not for HSA holders or people with normal ...
GLP-1 agonists, widely used for obesity and diabetes management, have been associated with a reduced risk of most ...
Discover an untold biotech story and find out how Pfizer missed an opportunity in the GLP-1 market because of an exit in the ...
Amgen's immunology drug results —The Novo Nordisk Senate hearing —Sanofi's soul-searching Read on to learn more.
JERUSALEM和MIAMI - Entera Bio Ltd. (NASDAQ:ENTX)和OPKO Health, Inc. (NASDAQ:OPK)今天宣布了他们联合研究口服肥胖和相关代谢紊乱治疗方法的积极初步结果。该研究聚焦于长效oxyntomodulin (OXM)类似物与Entera的N-Tab™技术相结合,旨在创造首个口服双重激动剂GLP-1/glucagon肽。 啮齿动物和猪模型 ...
翰宇药业晚间公告,公司收到美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)确认,公司司美格鲁肽原料药获得DMF(Drug Master File)备案号040534。司美格鲁肽作为公司国际化布局的GLP-1类的多肽药物管线产品,本次获得DMF备案号,提高了公司在国际市场上的竞争力,取得DMF注册登记号的企业和其产品容易被客户优先考虑,为公司长期发展带来积极的影响。
Eli Lilly (LLY) stock is trading near its all-time highs, with the shares only about 5% away from the record levels set in ...
While several factors predict sustained glycemic control, predictors of sustained weight control with tirzepatide appear ...
Some counterfeits contain bacteria and have high impurity levels or different chemical structures to FDA-approved medicines.
Employers that cover GLP-1s are partnering with vendors to design benefits and manage lifestyle programs, but the "jury is ...
9月25日,常山药业涨1.09%,成交额2.30亿元,换手率2.44%,总市值93.56亿元。 根据AI大模型测算常山药业后市走势。短期趋势看,连续3日被主力资金减仓。主力没有控盘。中期趋势方面,下方累积一定获利筹码。近期筹码减仓,但减仓程度减缓。舆情分析来看,目前市场情绪极度悲观。
9月25日,华东医药涨2.99%,成交额4.99亿元,换手率0.96%,总市值520.31亿元。 根据AI大模型测算华东医药后市走势。短期趋势看,连续3日被主力资金增仓。主力没有控盘。中期趋势方面,上方有一定套牢筹码积压。近期该股有吸筹现象,但吸筹力度不强。舆情分析来看,16家机构预测目标均价41.46,高于当前价39.78%。目前市场情绪极度悲观。 2、2023年7月7日公司互动:公司利拉鲁肽注 ...