5月5日,跃马One-Off系列最新力作法拉利SP48 Unica揭开神秘面纱,跻身跃马跑车中最具个人色彩的车型行列。这些独一无二的定制车型根据每一位客户的特殊需求打造,充分满足客户个性定制的需求并彰显自身独特品味。
European emissions standards are ruining the sound of all new cars, and it will only get worse as new Euro 6e-bis and Euro 6e ...
When recently asked why the F80 houses a V6 instead of a V12, Galliera explained that Ferrari chose to equip the hypercar ...
Ferrari just showed off the F80 running on track for the very first time, and the audio experience arguably leaves something ...
Brian Monaco, the automotive renderer and design advisor from West Palm Beach, FL (aka Monaco Auto Design), has some CGI ...
Moreover, Ferrari has already filled its order book, therefore highlighting the need for the limited-edition supercar even ...
Ferrari launch the 1,200 hp top-of-the-range $4.2 billion F80 hybrid. All 799 of the limited-edition supercars have already ...
法拉利近日发布了全新的F80,这款车型将限量生产799辆,售价高达360万欧元。 F80的设计灵感来自曾连续两次在勒芒24小时耐力赛中夺冠的法拉利499P赛车。首次在法拉利上引入了电动涡轮技术(e-turbo),在低转速下提供高功率输出和瞬时响应。
From dozens of colour and pinstripe combinations to a near-full sweep of the interior, here’s your ideal way to spend the ...
The stats are staggering: 0 to 62 mph in just 2.1 seconds, 1,000 kilos of downforce at 155 mph, Formula One tech throughout.
Ferrari's latest supercar, the gas-electric hybrid F80, is company’s most powerful road car ever. Only 799 will be built.
F80不仅继承了法拉利一贯的设计美学,还融入了大量来自F1和勒芒24小时耐力赛的技术。流线型的车身设计和空气动力学套件,都是为了在高速行驶时提供最佳的稳定性和操控性。同时,混合动力系统不仅提高了车辆的加速性能,还有效降低了油耗和排放,体现了法拉利在环 ...