The 2024 Nobel Prizes underscore both the importance of this kind of artificial intelligence and how science today often crosses traditional boundaries, blending different fields to achieve ...
财联社10月13日讯(编辑 赵昊)本周早些时候,瑞典皇家科学院宣布将2024年诺贝尔物理学奖授予约翰·J·霍普菲尔德(John J. Hopfield)和杰弗里·E·辛顿(Geoffrey E. Hinton)。
Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis has been awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for AlphaFold, an AI system that ...
This year's Nobel prize in chemistry was awarded to University of Washington professor David Baker and two scientists from ...
The awards for AI leaders Demis Hassabis and Geoffrey Hinton lend the tech giant some much-needed credibility amid antitrust ...
2024年诺贝尔物理学奖得主、加拿大多伦多大学荣誉退休教授杰弗里·辛顿 2012年12月,美国内华达州边界的太浩湖(Lake Tahoe)旁哈拉斯赌场酒店731房间里,杰弗里·辛顿(Geoffrey E.
Three 2024 Nobel Laureate winners in Chemistry and Physics are affiliated with Google and are known as AI pioneers.
Three 2024 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry and Physics are or have been affiliated with Google and are known as AI pioneers. Demis Hassabis, the founder of Google's DeepMind AI unit, and John Jumper, the ...
近日,谷歌(Google)凭借AI科技收获无限风光,同时却面临可能被分拆的窘境。当地时间10月9日,2024年诺贝尔化学奖归属揭晓,其中一半奖金被共同授予谷歌DeepMind公司创始人、英国科学家丹米斯·哈萨比斯(Demis ...
◎今年的诺贝尔奖,AI成了大赢家。当地时间10月8日,诺贝尔物理学奖颁给了机器学习领域的奠基性发现和发明。次日,诺贝尔化学奖又花落蛋白质设计和蛋白质结构预测领域,其中一半奖项颁给了谷歌旗下DeepMind的两名科学家。这是否代表着诺贝尔奖将全面进入“ ...
如果美国司法部的这些建议最终得到法院支持,谷歌将面临被迫出售部分业务的严峻局面。 该事项将成为自美国电信公司AT&T在1984年被分拆以来规模最大的美国公司分拆事件,也将是1998年美国政府与微软反垄断案之后最大的科技反垄断案件。
Chemists have long dreamed of fully understanding and mastering the chemical tools of life – proteins. This dream is now within reach. Demis Hassabis and John M Jumper have successfully utilised ...