Natsume's Osana Najimi na Kimi ga Tamaranaku Daisuki! manga centers on first year high school student Asahi, who thinks the world of his childhood friend Kazune. Asahi cannot resist Kazune's cuteness ...
Credit: Product image courtesy of Amazon. You can get thousands of free e-books over the course of 2024 if you know where—and when—to look. All year long, Amazon is offering up free Kindle e ...
Imagine having access to thousands of books and giving them all away - for free. That's exactly what writer and cultural historian, Sofia Akel, did. "Reading shouldn't be a privilege," she says.
And when you need a book to fuel a gourmand journey, “A Moveable Feast” has got you covered with this celebration of 38 foodie tales from around the world, said Debbie Arcangeles, host of the ...