Natsume's Osana Najimi na Kimi ga Tamaranaku Daisuki! manga centers on first year high school student Asahi, who thinks the world of his childhood friend Kazune. Asahi cannot resist Kazune's cuteness ...
We've partnered with World Book Day(this link will open in a new window) to create a suite of resources that support you to celebrate in your school or setting. Below you can find downloads of: A ...
Here are the year’s most notable picture, chapter and middle grade books, selected by our children ... to find one another in a prismatic world called “the Lost Dimension,” we see the ...
Her process is one of connection between author and book and world, where all are constantly influencing each other’s growth. My Lesbian Novel is an acrobatic book, as brilliant as it is erotic.
If you buy something through links on our site, Mashable may earn an affiliate commission. The top books BookTok is reading Credit: Funny Story by Emily Henry / Perfume & Pain by Anna Dorn / Where ...
Now there’s a debate about how much she influenced his writing. The Book Review Podcast: Each week, top authors and critics talk about the latest news in the literary world. Listen here.