RSVP information is an important part of the wedding invitation as it informs the host who will be attending the event. This information is vital in planning adequate food, drinks and seating ...
or specify a ‘+1’ for a guest to add with their RSVP,” says Meier. “To indicate children aren’t invited, avoid writing ‘adults only’ on the invitation,” she notes. “Instead ...
Avoid these common pitfalls when replying to a wedding invitation. Peering into your mailbox and seeing a thick envelope trimmed with intricate calligraphy (or opening up the message in your inbox ...
The other side is the party invitation. The text, according to a translation from the British Museum, reads as follows: "Claudia Severa to her Lepidina, greetings. On September 11, sister ...
The Office of the Registrar will provide a Letter of Invitation to assist graduates whose guests need to apply for a visa in order to attend their student’s commencement ceremony. The Letter of ...
Pune: A Koregaon Park establishment has sparked controversy by including condoms with ORS packets and other goodies in their New Year party invitation packages for patrons. The move prompted the ...
How Tourism is A Silent Diplomat Bridging Nations Together By Andrew J Wood Andrew J Wood advocates Tourism’s role in fostering lasting peace and prosperity BANGKOK: The… ...