Kanpur: Police arrested two persons who had stolen Rs 1.25 crore from a jeweller's shop and home in the Nawabganj police station area of the city. The two arrested thieves, who became friends in jail, ...
A HIGH street fashion giant is accelerating plans to close nearly 100 stores due to the Autumn Budget tax raid. New Look is expected to ramp up a store closures programme ahead of April’s ...
When asked about the important issues facing the UK today, the most commonly reported issues were the NHS (86%), the cost of living (85%), the economy (68%), crime (60%), climate change and the ...
It's not that easy! While having a streaky and less-than clear window is annoying, it can also be dangerous when driving, particularly with winter conditions. Quick shop: According to shoppers, this ...
But heritage groups have hit out at the plan, with the Victorian Society arguing demolition would cause ‘significant harm’ as razing the site would result in the loss of ‘the former Land O ...
The U.S. Mint has revealed the five historical female figures who will appear on the reverse sides of quarters for 2025, the last year it will issue American Women Quarters Program coins featuring ...
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is looking at a plan B to fund the government ahead of Friday’s shutdown deadline as Republicans inside and outside the Capitol, including President-elect Trump and ...