Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Om Birla and Rajasthan’s Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari launched the third phase of ‘Suposhit Maa’ campaign in Kota on Friday and distributed nutrition kits to 1,500 ...
IT is the time when we make our resolutions for the next 12 months – but latest research shows that 43 per cent of us give up on them by the end of January. So instead of setting unrealistic ...
The Royal Enfield Meteor 350 has a 350cc engine that produces 20.2bhp and 27Nm of torque. It has a relaxed riding position, a well-padded seat, and a good turning radius, making it comfortable for ...
IT is the time when we make our resolutions for the next 12 months – but latest research shows that 43 per cent of us give up on them by the end of January. So instead of setting unrealistic ...
Actor Christopher Abbott stops by TODAY to talk about his new movie “Wolf Man,” where he plays a father whose family is suddenly attacked by an unseen animal. Abbott opens up about filming the new ...