福特CEO吉姆·法利的中国之行让他发现:在电动汽车竞赛中,中国本土品牌已一骑绝尘。为应对这一“关乎存亡的威胁”,他正改变公司策略。 福特汽车(Ford Motor)首席执行官吉姆·法利(Jim Farley)刚从中国考察回来。他在5月份的访问中发现了一些让他焦虑的事情 ...
Apple today added three Mac models to its vintage products list, and moved an additional nine Mac models from the vintage list to its obsolete products list. The following Macs are now classified ...
【文/观察者网 熊超然】去年,美国福特汽车首席执行官吉姆·法利(Jim Farley)访问了中国。然而,此访却给他带来了浓浓的“焦虑感”——福特在 ...
近日有海外媒体报道称,福特汽车首席执行官吉姆·法利在多次访华之后,对于中国电动汽车产业实力感到“震惊”。 他表示,“中国电动汽车企业 ...
When it comes to iconic automaker Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F), there are plenty ... and even its dominance with SUVs and trucks. But the best part of Ford right now, Ford Pro, is what nobody ...
去年5月,美国福特汽车首席执行官法利(Jim Farley)访问了中国。然而,此访却给他带来了深刻的焦虑,法利看到福特在同中国汽车制造商展开的 ...
A lack of spare parts for the ageing Metro fleet is partly to blame for frequent service disruptions. Tyne and Wear Metro operator Nexus said the shortage of spare, often obsolete parts ...
The company says that it “discontinues all hardware service for obsolete products, and service providers cannot order parts for obsolete products,” the only exception being batteries which can ...
由于发动机马力比较大,驱动轮轻易就可以突破地面的附着力极限,所以在起步时只要油门稍稍大一点,就会出现轮胎打滑 ...
从品牌的基因来看,福特在机械水平和越野能力两个方面的是有口皆碑的,但这款车在定位上并不是剑走偏锋的车型,它依旧 ...
本文是新近装修后赞德福特(Zandvoort)赛道的完整指南。 从卡丁车到F1赛道,维斯塔潘证明年龄只是数字。 赞德福特(Zandvoort)在一级方程式赛车的 ...