The very final Brooklyn Brewery Bar Crawls of 2024 is scheduled for Saturday, October 12. Tickets include a beer on arrival ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...
A total of 24 diplomats from countries including Argentina, South Africa, Mexico, and Cuba visited southwest China's Guizhou Province from Friday to Sunday, during which time they enjoyed traditional ...
The post-credits scene of the very popular Chinese TV production "Blossoms Shanghai" has been released in the form of a music video, starring local actor Hu Ge who plays the protagonist A Bao.
第15届金音创作奖19日公布入围名单,由本届评审团主席杨大正及金曲乐团「宇宙人」等人揭晓,本届计有116件作品入围角逐21个奖项,包括大象体操的《世界》、阿跨面《心》、布莱梅《TheGreat Breman Show》专辑及作品 ...
2024年8月30日,约翰·传奇发布了他的第十张录音室专辑 《My Favorite Dream》。这是他 首张为儿童与家庭量身打造的专辑, 充满合唱与摇篮曲的温馨氛围,由著名创作歌手苏菲扬·史蒂文斯精心制作,温暖人心,适合全家聆听。
At 68 years old, Grandma Yang has gained fame online for learning to play the drums. Three years ago, her son brought home a drum set, sparking her interest in music. Despite her age, she has shown re ...
湘江河畔,月色如水。本次活动由序章《月涌湘江》拉开帷幕,《三湘秋韵》《故乡明月》《花好月圆》3个主题篇章徐徐展开。整场活动以“家”为主题主线,通过歌舞、飞花令、情景剧、音诗舞、花鼓小戏等形式表达爱家情感、展示建家成就、弘扬良好家风、引领文明乡风,体现中秋节“团结、团圆、文明、家国”的文化内涵。(来源:新湖南) On September 13, 2024, "Our Festival - Mid-A ...
近日的上海,又一波演唱会即将袭来!沪上各大文旅场馆将再掀音乐浪潮~一起来听听吧2024王源“客厅狂欢”演唱会时间:9月28日-29日地点:梅赛德斯奔驰-文化中心狂欢终有散场,客厅无处不在。2024王源“客厅狂欢”巡回演唱会上海站回归了!9月28日、9 ...