Leisure is an important part of life in a fast-paced city like Hong Kong, and there are always programmes available to help you take part in sports. Read on for information about some of the major ...
北京时间9月21日凌晨,2024斯诺克英格兰公开赛正赛第五日战罢。仅剩的4位TOP16种子全线溃败:头号种子、卫冕冠军贾德-特鲁姆普负于中国独苗吴宜泽;3号种子马克-艾伦不敌英格兰选手克里斯-韦克林;15号种子巴里-霍金斯败在“澳洲火炮”尼尔-罗伯逊 ...
追踪最近股价表现卓越且成交量巨大的股票。 找出目前股价接近52周高位的股票。 发现市净率偏低、股价遭到低估的银行与金融股。 发掘市盈增长比率(PEG)较低且过去盈利稳定增长的个股。 发掘医疗保健行业中盈利持续增长、负债低且盈利能力强的股票。 发掘 ...
Aiming to promote golf as a popular sport and improve golf proficiency among Tsinghua University students •随着校队与协会的融合发展,吸引了越来越多对高尔夫球感兴趣、有基础的朋友加入与球队的交流、学习之中。逐步取得了一些佳绩。 高球是绿色、氧气、阳光、友谊。这项运动 ...
The traditional literati's pursuit of a suitable life is hidden in the riverfront landscape belt and the dynamic sports belt. 传统文人所追求的动静相宜生活,就藏在滨河景观带、活力运动带之中。 In the riverside landscape of the ...
"The digitalization of cultural tourism has become a new trend," said Ma Yiliang, chief statistician of the China Tourism ...