ZenaTech signed the LOI shortly before the end of the year. The Company anticipates closing on the acquisition before the end ...
WorkJam has unveiled its new Shift Bidding feature, designed to make scheduling in unionized workplaces and similarly complex environments fairer.
Editorial Guidelines. In today’s modern work world, driven by remote setups and hybrid schedules, employers need innovative tools to monitor employee time and attendance. Whether team members ...
You must check in/out your time on campus; student employees are not permitted to work at home. This can be found on Workday under the Time application. Hourly students are paid on a biweekly pay ...
Bowdoin College relies upon the daily collaboration of faculty, staff, and students and the employee interactions and professional relationships to successfully advance our mission. While in-person ...
AT&T is following in the footsteps of other Fortune 500 companies demanding their employees return to the office full-time instead of following a hybrid work schedule. While salad chain Sweetgreen ...