Time is running out to secure all of your college student’s dorm room essentials, so start shopping and save some money before these sales end. Keep scrolling to for even more back-to-school ...
As someone who recently graduated from college, the chaos of dorm-room shopping is fresh in my mind. I also remember the items I used every day and the items I was convinced I needed, but sadly ...
Hey, parents, college freshmen and dorm-bound students: Don't forget to add a mini fridge to your back-to-school shopping ...
College dorm shopping requires planning out an inventory of items that are space-savvy, pragmatic, and durable. With school back in full swing, students will be busy juggling schoolwork and social ...
As a senior at the University of Texas at Austin, I know how stressful dorm shopping can be. I've done it several times over the years and have really honed in on what students need to make their ...
“When decorating your dorm room it’s about using the space wisely,” said Sophia Colarusso of Allentown, Pa., an incoming senior at the University of Pittsburgh in Oakland in the Combined ...