在西安大雁塔广场,有人按照节愍太子墓出土女俑造像复原唐朝服装。节愍太子李重俊命运多舛,失宠后企图兵变却被反杀,后被睿宗平反陪葬定陵。其墓中的陶俑和壁画珍贵,展现了盛唐早中期过渡阶段的服饰特征,如半翻髻、襇色裙等;还出现裹头内人形象,呈现当时女性风尚喜 ...
On December 8, a batch of fashionable clothing cargo arrived at Zhengzhou airport from Europe. Taking advantage of Zhengzhou ...
Tangyuan is one of the most symbolic foods eaten during the Winter Solstice in southern China. Their round shape symbolizes ...
Alibaba Group is selling its department store arm Intime to textiles and clothing conglomerate Youngor Fashion Co for 7.4 ...
At least 10 people, including children, were killed in a stampede during a relief item distribution at a local church in the ...
据悉,北美黑马运动瑜伽服品牌Alo Yoga即将正式进入中国市场,前始祖鸟市场副总裁Aurora Liu已经加入负责Alo Yoga中国。据了解,Alo中国团队开始在上海门店选址,预计品牌将在2025年开设线下中国首店。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
这是 达医晓护 的第 5251 篇文章俗话说,婴儿是上天赐予家庭的小天使,他们的每一个笑容、每一次成长都牵动着全家人的心。然而,随着冬季的到来,气温逐渐下降,家长们为了让孩子远离寒冷,往往会采取各种保暖措施。然而,你知道吗?过度的保暖可能会引发一种叫 ...
Baserange、CAMPERLAB、CFCL、Courrèges、MARINE SERRE、Mame Kurogouchi、Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO、SONG FOR THE MUTE和vowels ...
Another must-visit flower fair in Shenzhen is the Festival Avenue Flower Fair, which takes place in Futian District, Shenzhen ...