与首钢控股战略整合以来,首钢矿投始终做到牢记“国之大者”,坚持站在集团战略高度思考自身工作,依托首旺煤业地理优势和资源禀赋,积极探索,力争为集团钢铁主流程炼焦煤资源稳定保供作出新贡献,助力企业降本增效。 焦炭是炼焦煤在焦炉中经过高温 ...
Protests by Damagundam villagers against the Indian Navy's radar station project in Telangana are seen as politically ...
Sources said Pemba came back to the table once it was certain it could finance the hefty warehouse component, which had been ...
电力板块方面,浙能电力(600023)、皖能电力(000543)涨超4%,华电国际(600027)、陕西能源(001286)、国投电力(600886)等涨超3%。 煤炭方面,近期动力煤产业链方面,国内生产和进口供应整体弹性较小,港口结构性缺货问题依然较为严重,下游电厂的日耗在高位震荡,维持刚需采购,在前期港口及电厂库存去化较好的背景下,上周产地和港口市场价格出现小幅上涨,煤价表现强劲、逆市上涨。焦 ...
At the time of publishing, the shares of the company were trading at Rs 72.33 per share on the NSE, up 3.79 percent.
9月20日,意华股份跌0.59%,成交额8795.19万元。两融数据显示,当日意华股份获融资买入额938.32万元,融资偿还1109.70万元,融资净买入-171.38万元。截至9月20日,意华股份融资融券余额合计2.68亿元。 融资方面,意华股份当日融资买入938.32万元。当前融资余额2.67亿 ...
Petrol and diesel prices are falling at their fastest pace this year in a boost to motorists as the switch to electric ...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 38 points to build on Thursday’s record close, while the S&P 500 index and Nasdaq fell ...
9月20日,江苏北人跌1.40%,成交额1282.42万元。两融数据显示,当日江苏北人获融资买入额178.39万元,融资偿还154.81万元,融资净买入23.58万元。截至9月20日,江苏北人融资融券余额合计1.32亿元。 融资方面,江苏北人当日融资买入178.39万元。当前融资余额1.32亿元 ...
Former Credit Suisse alumni John Birkhold has spent years developing a model that undoes traditional ways of investing – he’s ...
HDFC Bank and Kotak Bank have underperformed and are currently trading at a 14-year low valuations. The two bank stocks are ...
When executives start selling shares, it can be a warning of trouble ahead. Does that mean the shares of FTSE 100 stock Auto ...