Learn incredible facts about our planet and some of it's most amazing species.
Climate change will mean big changes for animals around the world. So if we care about incredible species, we must care about how a changing climate will make it harder for them to find food, and ...
Thank you! Over 10,000 of you wrote to your MP last year calling for the current UK government to keep the crucial promises they’ve made to tackle the nature and ...
Here at WWF, we're working to increase and stabilise the populations of many of the world's most endangered and well-known animal species. Discover how we're working to protect some of the planet's ...
WWF's latest climate change classroom resources provides lesson plans and supporting resources for teachers and educators of young people aged 7 to 14. Many of the world's greatest challenges, from ...
You see photos of plastic pollution in the ocean, but it can be hard to connect that to the plastic you're buying and using every day. Here are three ways the plastic you throw away can end up in the ...
Restoration Forth is a major marine restoration programme working with communities to restore seagrass habitats and European flat oyster populations in the Firth of Forth. Restoration Forth will ...
Scotland is home to some of the most incredible wildlife and habitats in the world. But nature is in trouble and needs our help. The good news is, there’s lots that we can do to help bring our world ...
During these difficult times, we need more than ever to find ways to connect with each other and inspire hope for the future. Here are some great activities you can do at home – individually or with ...
Stopping the illegal wildlife trade is one of the most important and urgent parts of our work to protect iconic and threatened wildlife. We’re facing a global poaching crisis, which is threatening to ...
We’re the first generation to know we’re destroying the world, but we could be the last that can do anything about it. Here's how you can fight for your world. We’ve been promised a better world – but ...
Forest destruction is a crisis for the whole planet. Find out how we can all fight to save our forests. And we’re not including commercially grown trees and plantations. We mean natural, noisy forests ...