A course held entirely in English that offers students a multicultural and multilinguistic dimension due to its numerous international experiences while providing an advanced level of training in ...
Environmental protection and land management in favor of sustainable development are at the heart of this master degree course, the only one in this sector in Italy delivered in English; it trains ...
La sclerosi laterale amiotrofica (SLA) è una patologia neurodegenerativa, caratterizzata da una progressiva paralisi muscolare causata dalla degenerazione dei motoneuroni. L’esordio e la progressione ...
Questo anoscopio è applicabile all'endoscopio utilizzato durante la colonscopia, esame fondamentale per lo screening del cancro del colon-retto. Grazie alla sua conformazione il dispositivo consente ...
Taught in English, graduates study the functioning and competitive aspects of modern firms competing sustainably in the global economy by following one of the three business processes, Smart ...
Developing fundamental methods and techniques for Big Data analysis to face the challenges that the digital revolution has brought to our society: these are the goals of the course, which trains a new ...
Centro di Ateneo di Ricerca e di Servizi per la Disabilità, la Riabilitazione e l’Integrazione - Centro di Ateneo per la Disabilità e l'Inclusione (Centro istituito ma non attivato) ...
The University of Padua invites partners and colleagues to participate in the International Staff Training Week on the topic of “Global Perspectives and Strategies in Higher Education Partnerships”, ...
The Support Center for Workplace Well-being and Health is available to assist staff experiencing work-related distress. The center offers professional support from specialists in occupational ...
Out-of-town students can have a general practitioner in the city without giving up their own doctor in their hometown, allowing them to avoid emergency room visits for minor health issues. Those not ...
Selezione pubblica n. 2024N60, per esami, per l'assunzione a tempo indeterminato e pieno di n. 1 persona nell'Area dei Funzionari, Settore Scientifico-tecnologico, presso l'Università degli Studi di ...
Rector Daniela Mapelli welcomes students who have chosen the University of Padua for their academic studies. With greetings from the Rector and mayor Sergio Giordani, the event also includes the ...