Evlerinden, ülkelerinden kaçmak zorunda kalan insanların sayısı rekor düzeylere ulaştı. Son beş yılda, yeni ya da eski en az 15 çatışma, dünya çapında milyonlarca kişi için tarif edilemez ölçekte ...
Պատերազմից կամ հետապնդումներից փախուստից հետո ամենաարդյունավետ միջոցներից մեկը, որով ...
L’Assemblée générale est le principal organe délibératif des Nations Unies. Elle est composée de 193 États Membres. Conformément au Statut du HCR, le Haut-Commissaire suit les directives de ...
At the dusty Dadaab airstrip in Garissa County, north eastern Kenya, a mix of emotions fills the air as fourteen young refugees stand together, clutching their boarding passes. Some hug their families ...
The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. Article 16, paragraph 3, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Family unity ...
Who is an ‘asylum-seeker’? An asylum-seeker is someone who is seeking international protection. Their request for refugee status, or complementary protection status, has yet to be processed, or they ...
GENEVA – Ahead of the Summit of the Future, the Platform of Independent Experts on Refugee Rights (PIERR), a group of UN and regional human rights experts issued the following statement: “When world ...
WASH is the collective term for water, sanitation and hygiene. While each is a separate field of work, they are interdependent and contribute to the overall protection, health, well-being and ...
UNHCR seeks to engage interns with diverse academic backgrounds, profiles, educational experience, and knowledge in various professional fields, who may bring innovative thinking and different ideas ...
Please help refugees in need.
“The experience [DAFI] also taught me that I want to go into a world where education should be free, and it should be available for all.” Nigara is a DAFI alumna from Afghanistan and the founder of ...