"对于老年人群和有潜在健康问题的人群,想要获得像Paxlovid这种抗病毒药物需要检测后确诊阳性才行。这种抗病毒手段可以降低重症、住院和'长新冠'的风险,因此对新西兰的健康和经济都有好处。但这种疗法必须在确诊5天内开始,所以快速检测至关重要。" ...
MusicWorks在2023年2月从这个位置迁走,搬到了位于Mt Eden的Dominion Rd上。自那时起,关于这个位于市中心最繁忙的商业街之一的地块未来将何去何从便留下了诸多不确定性。
作为一位备受尊敬的钢琴家,刘健在新西兰和海外都有演出。他的下一场音乐会将于9月29日星期六与惠灵顿交响乐团合作演出拉威尔(Maurice Ravel)的【左手钢琴协奏曲】。
Uduch Sengebau Senior told world leaders that the global response to the climate crisis "is a matter of life and death" and ...
A Waikato farming company, its director and manager have been fined for unlawfully discharging dairy effluent.
In his second week, Wellington Water's new chief executive says fixing recurring leaks is not a good use of money, with at ...
Crowds of mainly students, parents and supporters from across the country are expected to protest as part of School Strike 4 ...
The number of children and young teens prescribed puberty blockers has fallen, after dramatic increases in the last decade.
New attendance rules could see schools chasing up the families of nearly half their pupils during the winter months.
We have the latest from the US , where New York Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted on federal corruption charges; news from ...