A participatory action research (PAR) approach to legal empowerment builds community resilience, disrupts power, and advances people-centered justice. The ability to interrogate and disrupt power is ...
This article is a collaborative act honoring a deep commitment to community justice and participatory ethics. The authors are a group of human rights practitioners brought together through the ...
La capacidad de cuestionar y alterar el poder es fundamental para promover una justicia centrada en las personas. Esta es una lección que hemos aprendido colectivamente como cohorte de abogados y ...
An analysis that confronts the many forms of oppressive power can help social movements build transformative power. These are challenging times for social justice movements and human rights defenders.
Son tiempos difíciles para los movimientos de justicia social y los defensores de los derechos humanos. Los gobiernos, los políticos y las fuerzas conservadoras utilizan los ataques a los «otros» para ...
El mundo vive actualmente «el mayor número de conflictos violentos desde» la Segunda Guerra Mundial, con el telón de fondo de la triple crisis planetaria del cambio climático, la contaminación y la ...
Monica Iyer is an assistant professor at the Georgia State University College of Law. Prior to joining Georgia State, she taught in the International Human Rights Clinic at Duke University School of ...
Emma Crowe is a lawyer at NYU Law's TERRA program, where she works on issues related to ecological emergencies and human rights. She is the Managing Editor of OpenGlobalRights.
No longer science fiction, technologies enabling communication with nonhuman animals now offer a host of opportunities — and a panoply of risks. Guardrails could help ensure responsible development.