Las personas que trabajaban por la justicia comunitaria en todo el mundo están elaborando estrategias no sólo para defender ...
Grassroots justice workers around the world are strategizing how to not only defend but deepen democratic governance.
Human rights education and rights-based approaches to learning can help cultivate transformative agency for both teachers and ...
La educación en derechos humanos y los enfoques del aprendizaje basados en los derechos pueden ayudar a cultivar la capacidad ...
Rights practitioners must recognize that the transition from war to peace and democracy may involve nonlinear accountability ...
Dr. Sandra Sirota is the director of Human Rights Close to Home and an assistant professor in residence of Human Rights and Experiential Global Learning at the University of Connecticut. She has ...
Los profesionales de los derechos deben reconocer que la transición de la guerra a la paz y la democracia puede implicar ...
While the historic UN Loss and Damage Fund aims to support countries most vulnerable to climate change, it is expected to ...
Jacob Metz-Lerman is a research scholar at the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice. Jacob works on issues related to climate litigation, climate justice, and climate displacement.
Victims of human rights abuses and their advocates are using innovative legal methods to hold economic actors accountable for their role in rights violations. The transitional justice (TJ) field has ...