There’s a saying in the seafood industry: the West eats cod, the East eats mackerel and everyone eats salmon. It’s not surprising that this pretty pink, suppertime all-rounder frequently polls as the ...
Морской Попечительский совет – Международная некоммерческая организация, которая ...
In dit overzicht zie je welke vissoorten in Nederland beschikbaar zijn met het MSC (wild gevangen vis) of ASC (kweekvis) keurmerk. Dit betekent echter niet dat ze in elke winkel of restaurant op ...
Choosing products with the MSC blue fish label allows you to enjoy eating seafood with the knowledge you have made a positive choice to support well-managed, sustainable fisheries. These fisheries are ...
While companies and organizations around the world have different definitions of sustainable fishing, the MSC definition is widely accepted across borders, among fishery experts, scientists, ...
Each time you go grocery shopping, place an online order, or visit your favorite restaurant, you have the opportunity to vote with your wallet for a healthier ocean for this and future generations.
The MSC Fisheries Standard is used to assess if a fishery is well-managed and sustainable. To become MSC certified, fisheries voluntarily apply to be assessed against the Standard. It’s open to all ...
Sharks provide a valuable source of protein for many communities around the world. They are important predators that help keep marine ecosystems in balance. This means sharks must be fished ...
The MSC blue fish label means the product carrying it is made with wild-caught and certified sustainable seafood that meets the MSC Fisheries Standard, a set of requirements for sustainability that a ...
A range of gears are used in commercial fishing. Every type of gear has some effect on the ocean environment. However, if carefully managed, virtually all gear types can be used responsibly and ...
Aktuell sind 572 Fischereien nach dem MSC-Standard zertifiziert. Sie landen 16,5% des weltweiten Fischfangs an. Nachhaltige Fischerei ist ein Balanceakt: Wie viel Fisch kann gefangen und wie viel ...
We set the world's most recognised standards for sustainable fishing and for the supply chains that sell sustainable fish and seafood. When you see fish or seafood products with the blue MSC label, ...