Design sprints are an intense 5-day process where user-centered teams tackle design problems. Working with expert insights, teams ideate, prototype and test solutions on selected users. Google’s ...
The virtuality continuum represents the full spectrum of technological possibilities between the entirely physical world or real environment and the fully digital ...
A design system is a set of standards to manage and scale design. It includes reusable components, design principles and guidelines to achieve consistency and efficiency across a company's digital ...
User-centered design (UCD) is an iterative design process in which designers focus on the users and their needs in each phase of the design process. In UCD, design teams involve users throughout the ...
Wicked problems are problems with many interdependent factors making them seem impossible to solve. Because the factors are often incomplete, in flux, and difficult to define, solving wicked problems ...
User scenarios are detailed descriptions of a user – typically a persona – that describe realistic situations relevant to the design of a solution. By painting a “rich picture” of a set of events, ...
User flows are diagrams that depict the path a user can take to complete a task while interacting with a product. A user flow focuses on the user's needs and the most ...
Sustainable design creates long-term solutions and helps societies ensure the well-being of their people and harmony with the environment for generations. Designers reduce waste by making products ...
Your UX design portfolio is the key that gets you a job interview, and it is therefore vital that you include everything necessary in it. After all, a recruiter spends only a few minutes to form an ...
Grid systems are aids designers use to build designs, arrange information and make consistent user experiences. They include rule of thirds, golden section, single-column, multi-column, modular, ...
UX cover letters are short letters or emails that designers send with their portfolios and resumes to apply for jobs. Designers personalize these to introduce themselves and briefly explain why they ...
Did you know that over 60% of people accept or reject new products based on color? When you think of Coca-Cola, you think red. When you think of McDonalds, you think of yellow arches. When you think ...