The story begins with a dispute among the sense organs—speech (vak), eyes (cakshus), ears (shrotra), mind (manas), reproductive organ (retas), and prana (the vital force). Each organ claimed to be the ...
Connection to King Drupada: In the epic Mahabharata, the Panchala kingdom, ruled by King Drupada (the father of Draupadi), extended up to the Charmanvati. This river was part of the southern boundary ...
In Hindu philosophy and scriptures, the connection between the moon (Chandra) and the human mind (Manas) has been deeply emphasized, both symbolically and in practical teachings. The influence of the ...
Hindu Goddess Parvati and Norse Goddess Frigg both play pivotal roles in their respective mythologies, primarily focusing on marriage, motherhood, and domestic life. However, their stories, cultural ...
The ninth chapter of the Ganesha Gita, titled Kshetrajnatrjneyaviveka Yoga, is a rich discourse on the nature of devotion, knowledge, self-discipline, and the relationship between the physical and ...
The Tenth Skanda (Canto) of the Srimad Bhagavad Purana is one of the most celebrated and significant sections of this ancient Hindu text. It primarily narrates the life and exploits of Lord Krishna, ...
Worshiping Goddess Rati, the Hindu deity of love, passion, and beauty, is a beautiful and meaningful practice. Rati is often worshiped with her consort, Kamadeva, the god of love, to promote harmony, ...