The Fourth International Artefacta Conference will take place at the University of Helsinki, in Helsinki, Finland, on 13-14 February 2025. At the core of the Artefacta Conferences are objects and ...
Climate change is intensifying droughts, posing risks to agricultural sectors. The dairy industry, a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, is particularly vulnerable. COVERE² project ...
Saako ihminen ansaita rahaa rikollisen brändillään? Ja haluammeko me olla mukana kokoamassa palkintopottia rikoksen tehneelle? Artikkeli on julkaistu Yliopisto-lehdessä 6/2024. Kuuntele juttu ...
September 3, 2024—Molokia and ELEKS are excited to announce a new partnership formed under the auspices of the COVERE² project. This collaboration combines Molokia's commitment to sustainable ...
Instrumental analytical research is carried out in our group with emphasis on environmental and bioanalytical research. The goal is to solve a variety of environmental and bioanalytical problems and ...
"When you change the way you look a thing, the thing you look at changes." Minna Mustapää is a passionate impact driven entrepreneur with an international background. She has experience as an investor ...
This page contains courses in mathematics and statistics that are taught during the current or upcoming academic year. NB! The contents of this page are being updated and it is based on preliminary ...
SAVE THE DATE! The 7th DogRisk Seminar lectures will be on 12-13th September 2025. We might also have one day before or after for workshops before or after (11th or 14th September).
The Emmaus Helsinki association donated €1,500 for the University of Helsinki’s Monicoast project, which explores the diversity of coastal areas. The funds came from the sales proceeds of Emmaus ...
Doctoral student Parisa Mapar, studying both at the University of Helsinki and Amsterdam UMC, develops algorithms to analyse DNA from the tumour present in the blood samples. The focus of my research ...
Helsingin yliopiston tutkimusasemaverkosto tarjoaa erinomaiset puitteet kenttätutkimukselle ja opetukselle. Tutkimusasemilla kerätään pitkän aikavälin mittaussarjoja, joiden avulla voidaan tutkia ...
Helsingin yliopistolla on kehitetty arviointityökalu kouluille, jolla voidaan arvioida vasta Suomeen saapuneiden oppilaiden osaamista. Verkkosovelluksena toimiva Valu-arviointityökalu sisältää ...