Last week, Sorel Coward finally confronted her Archbishop. In a strange coincidence, Geoffrey Smith – who is Archbishop of Adelaide – was the bishop who ordained Coward as a priest (minister) years ...
Channel Nine’s A Current Affair has launched a two-night attack attack on C3, Australia’s second-largest Pentecostal Church. It’s open season on Pentecostals right now, and while Christians from other ...
It was while Sydney ad man Tom Glynn was at the top of his game, working for the prestigious agency J Walter Thompson, that he decided he wanted to move from selling products to selling a person, ...
Andrew Leigh thinks Australia is disconnected, and he’s written a book about it. In Disconnected, Andrew spends a whole chapter outlining why the decline of religion is making social cohesion worse, ...
“Secretive”, “cult”, “small religious group”: these are the kinds of words found in media articles describing the “People of Praise” – the Charismatic Christian group of which United States Supreme ...
We instinctively form expectations, especially when it comes to an unconventionally titled book that’s generating lots of buzz. But so often, reality dispels our expectations. Hence the saying: Don’t ...
David Gillies of Christian Literature Outreach has shared with Eternity some letters from Chaplains and inmates. The print Eternity has been sent to prisons – and is eagerly read we are told. From a ...
Simone is a music teacher in Cairns, North Queensland, and has penned the lyrics of songs such as Never Alone and Grace Awaiting Me. I live in Cairns in the far north of Queensland and am married to ...
Twenty-one-year-old Erline Nkouamo is exuberant and excited as she faces the camera to explain how her life has completely changed thanks to a project in Cameroon to teach women of their worth and ...
A Tasmanian woman is taking the Catholic Archbishop of Hobart to the Anti-Discrimination Commission over the contents of a booklet sent to Catholics around Australia earlier this year about same-sex ...
In the first two seasons, host Karl Faase travelled to 14 countries interviewing more than 80 faith leaders about the life and teachings of Jesus, and how people braved danger and death to spread his ...
Tributes are pouring in for the founder of Open Doors, Brother Andrew, who died at his Netherlands home on September 27. He was 94. Brother Andrew’s secret Bible deliveries behind the Cold War Iron ...