Planet Earth provides humans with the natural resources we need to survive and thrive. Chemistry is the science that has helped us use both renewable and nonrenewable resources to transform our lives.
We don’t normally think of batteries as being natural, but the parts that make them originally got their start in nature! In this activity you will build a battery using potatoes, lemons, and metal ...
Chemists use many strategies so their experiments are as safe as possible. They think about what they can do to keep themselves and the people around them safe and then they do these things. You ...
Learn about the cover of the latest issue of Celebrating Chemistry.
In the early days of photography, people used much simpler cameras. These cameras could “capture” images and focus their light onto light-sensitive material called photographic film. To take a picture ...
Celebrating Chemistry helps children ages 9-12 (Grades 4-6) develop an interest in chemistry as they learn about its relevance to their lives, connection to what they are learning in school, and role ...
Your enironmental footprint includes the energy, food, water, and materials you use and leave behind. Chemistry—and you!—can help reduce our impact on the Earth. The articles and activities used in ...
In honor of this year’s Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) theme, “The Curious Chemistry of Amazing Algae,” I traveled all the way to the University of Puerto Rico—Medical Sciences Campus, in San ...
The picture on the cover shows at least 11 gadgets that run on batteries. Can you find them all? Read on to confirm. (See On the Hunt...for Batteries for an activity to find items that function on ...
Match each event described below with its position on the timeline as in the example: ...
About 5 weeks after breaking his arm, the little mole is at the doctor’s office to see how he’s healing. On the computer screen, you can see an X-ray of the healing bone called the radius. The bone ...